— Services —
Here are some of the other services we offer
Wheel Alignment
Strachans Tyres Offer Hunter Elite TD Wheel Alignment
The Elite TD is the most powerful wheel aligner available to workshops today. Four precision cameras take live readings of the position and orientation of the 3D targets, mounted to each wheel using Hunter’s patented QuickGrip® adaptors.
Wheel alignment is an essential vehicle service which ensures your car operates with maximum efficiency, comfort and safety. It achieves this by making sure all of your wheels point in exactly the right direction in relation to each other and your direction of travel.
This is an increasingly important service on modern cars as the majority now have many adjustable components within the steering and suspension systems which, if not set correctly, can cause misalignment, causing increased tyre wear, poor fuel economy and steering which doesn't feel "quite right"
A Hunter Wheel Alignment service accurately measures up to 14 primary wheel angles and compares them with the original specifications detailed by your car manufacturer.
Alignments starting from just £60
(Depending on model and adjustments)

Alloy Wheel Refurbishment
Why not have your wheels refurbished. Professional off site service and secure vehicle storage.
Ask for more details and prices.